Building an Environment of Empowerment and Institutional Belonging
Course Dates
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At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Define delegation and empowerment and recognize the similarities and differences between them
- Understand the various levels of subordinate engagement from delegation to full empowerment
- Understand the importance of employee participation and engagement and its positive impact at work
- Follow an effective sequence of steps to perform effective delegation
- Identify the tasks that can be delegated and those that should not be
- Assess employee readiness for delegation
- Use a step-by-step process for effective delegation
- Give clear instructions for better delegation results
- Identify common delegation pitfalls and learn how to avoid them
- Use ways to effectively monitor delegation results
- Use techniques for giving and receiving effective feedback
- Identify the most important requirements and pillars of empowerment
- Practice empowerment as an administrative strategy
- Help create an organizational culture that nurtures empowerment
Delegation and Empowerment: An introduction
- Introduction to Concepts: Delegation, Responsibility, Accountability, and Empowerment
- Delegation vs. Burden-Shifting
- Benefits of Delegation and Empowerment
- Why Has Delegation Become More Important Than Ever?
The Delegation Process
- Requirements for Successful Delegating
- Levels of Delegation
- Barriers and limitations to delegation
- Delegation Skills: Self-assessment
- Steps of The Delegation Process
- Right Task/ Right Person
- Delegatee Readiness (Skills, Motivation, Willingness to Take Responsibility)
Delegation applied
- The Delegation Meeting
- Clarity in communication
- Setting goals and performance standards
- Delegation of authority
- Setting and clarifying support
- Measures and rewards
- Monitoring Delegation
- Measuring progress
- Handling problems
- Giving effective feedback
- 5 P’s of effective empowerment
- Elements of empowerment
- Being employee-focused
- Impact of employee empowerment on productivity, sustainability, and organizational ability to respond and change
- Characteristics of empowered employees
- Organizational Culture that is conducive for empowerment
Excelling in Delegation
- Characteristics of Effective Delegators
- Coaching and delegation
- Role Clarity: Coach vs. Trainee
- Focus on learning
- Do’s and don’ts of effective delegation
- Delegation
- Decision Making
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Succession Planning
- Coaching
- Human Capital Development
- Employee Training
- Empowerment
This course will be implemented through the use of best practices and through the appropriate selection of meaningful and interactive tools such as:
- Practical, relevant case studies
- Group activities and workshops
- Related role plays
- Experiential learning
- Brainstorming
- Stimulating mental activities
- Engaging team competitions
- Suitable training videos
- Presentations
- Self-assessments
- Learning with simulations and games
All employees in supervisory or managerial roles