Business Process Analysis and Simplification
Business Process Analysis and Simplification
Course Dates
*Prices do not include value added tax
At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Learn the principles of enterprise design and their relationship to the complexity of business procedures.
- Analyze the most important principles and steps in simplifying procedures.
- Use workflow maps, organizational design maps, and work distribution maps.
- Simplify complex procedures as part of a practical study.
The Management Process in Perspective
- Planning the work
- Types of plans
- Organizing and allocating resources
- Directing and controlling individual and organizational performance
- Principles of organizing
- Designing organizational charts
- The direct link between charts and procedures
Policies and Procedures
- Definitions and concepts
- Signs of complicated procedures
- Importance and goals of procedures
- Work simplification goals
- Developing effective procedures
- Productivity defined
Work Flow Techniques
- The parallel and sequential techniques
- The stages of work simplification
- Selection of procedure(s)
- Collecting data
- Data analysis and evaluation
- Suggestions for improvement
- Implementation
- Follow-up and evaluation
- The use of flow charts to simplify procedures
- Simple process flow procedure charts
- Preparing and analyzing flow charts
- Simplifying procedures and recommending changes
- Lean principles to simplify processes
- 5S program
- Swim lane charts
Mapping and Analysis Tools for Simplification of Processes and Procedures
- Process mapping
- Value stream mapping
- Supplier Input, Process, Output, Customer (SIPOC) analysis
- The turtle diagram
- Shell 'ESSA' model for simplification
- Procedures process flow chart
- The multi column process chart
- Questions to get you started
- Simplification of procedures to improve productivity
- Success factors for simplification of procedures
Concept and Importance of Work Distribution Chart
- Preparing and analyzing a work distribution chart
- Reallocation of workload and redistribution of jobs
- Simplifying space design and layout
- Office and department layout analysis
- Using spaghetti diagram for analyzing distance and department layout
- Redesigning offices by using office layout chart
- Process Mapping
- Understanding Lean and Waste
- Organizational Design
- Enhancing Productivity
- Simplifying Work Procedures
- Designing Procedures
- Work Analysis
This training course will be carried out through the use of best practices and the right combination of engaging and purposeful tools such as:
- Practical, relevant case studies
- Group activities and workshops
- Related role plays
- Experiential learning
- Brain storming
- Stimulating mental activities
- Engaging team competitions
- Suitable training Videos
- Presentations
- Self–assessments
- Learning with Simulations and Games
Managers, supervisors and employees who are involved in the design or simplification of procedures as well as end users