International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Course Dates
*Prices do not include value added tax
At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Apply IFRS when preparing final accounts.
- Holding company
- Subsidiary
- Group
- Power
- Relevant activities
- Consolidated financial statements
- Control
- Non-controlling interest
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
- The Objective Of General Purpose Financial Reporting.
- Qualitative Characteristics Of Useful Financial Information
- Financial Statements and the Reporting Entity
- The Elements of Financial Statements
- Recognition and Derecognition
- Measurement
- Presentation and Disclosure
- The objective of the standard and the requirements to achieve it.
- Scope
- Investor's control of the investee
- Power over the work of an investee
- Returns
- Link between power and returns
- Accounting requirements
- Non–controlling interests
- Loss of control
- Determining whether an entity is an investment entity
- The objective of the standard and the requirements to achieve it.
- Scope
- Joint arrangements
- Joint control
- Types of joint arrangement
- Financial statements of parties to a joint arrangement
- Joint operations
- Joint ventures
- Separate financial statements
- The objective of the standard and the requirements to achieve it.
- Scope
- Significant judgements and assumptions
- Investment entity status
- Interests in subsidiaries
- The interest that non–controlling interests have in the group’s activities and cash flows
- The nature and extent of significant restrictions
- Consequences of changes in a parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control
- Consequences of losing control of a subsidiary during the reporting period
- Interests in unconsolidated subsidiaries
- Risks associated with an entity’s interests in joint ventures and sister companies
- International Financial Reporting Standards (10), (11) and (12).
- Preparation of financial reports in accordance with international standards
This training course will be carried out through the use of best practices and the right combination of engaging and purposeful tools such as:
- Case studies and practical exercises
- Workshops and group activities
- Interactive discussions
- Brainstorming
- Energizing team competitions
- Presentations
- Learning games
Accounting managers, and senior accountants working in the preparation of financial statements, and internal auditors