Leading in a Rapidly Changing Work Environment
Leading in a Rapidly Changing Work Environment
Course Dates
*Prices do not include value added tax
At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Understand the rapidly changing work environment.
- Understand and apply situational leadership
- Introduce employee coaching as a leadership approach to improve performance
- Assess their leadership competencies and determine developmental areas
- Help build a productivity–conducive organizational culture
- Facilitate organizational change and work on removing change resistance
- Establish the basis for motivating and inspiring the workforce
- Improve communication and remove communication barriers
- Understand their emotional intelligence strengths and developmental needs
- Draw personal development plan for further development as leaders
The Challenges of Management in Changing Environment
- Concept of rapidly changing work environment.
- External changes and impact on management
- The changing role of the manager (from controller to facilitator)
The Concepts and Theories of Leadership
- The evolution of leadership theories
Leadership vs. Management
- The focus of managers vs. the focus of leaders
- The manager's vs. the leader's role in accomplishing tasks and making the organization more successful
Power, Authority, and Influence
- Definition of power, authority and influence
- Power sources (position based vs. person based)
Successful Models of Leadership
- Examples of leadership best practice
Choosing the Suitable Leadership Style
- People–oriented vs. production–oriented survey
- Application of situational leadership
Skills in Leadership
- Communication and its importance to leadership
- Listening and giving effective feedback
- Clarifying vision and objectives
- Motivating and empowering others
Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Steps in effective problem solving
- Increasing level of participation in decision making
- Leadership
- Execution Excellence
- Organization Development
- Performance Management
- Strategically Thinking
- Planning
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- External Environment Analysis
- Empowerment
This training course will be carried out through the use of best practices and the right combination of engaging and purposeful tools such as:
- Practical, relevant case studies
- Group activities and workshops
- Related role plays
- Experiential learning
- Brainstorming
- Stimulating mental activities
- Engaging team competitions
- Suitable training videos
- Presentations
- Self-assessments
- Learning with simulations and games
Senior managers, department and section heads, managers with five years or more of experience