Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)
Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)
Course Dates
*Prices do not include value added tax
At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Understand the terms, definitions, and references associated with occupational health and safety
- Recognize types of occupational incidents and their causes
- Identify Chemical and electrical hazards and set up measure to control or prevent them in the workplace
- Understand the principles of fire prevention
- Understand falls and slips hazards
- Realize the effect of workplace ergonomics on employees capabilities
Introduction to occupational safety and health
- The scope and nature of occupational safety
- Motives for occupational health and safety
- Health and Safety System Elements
- The importance and purpose of the safety policy
Management and evaluation of occupational risks
- An introduction
- Stages of occupational risk assessment
Electricity hazards
- Nature of Electricity
- How do electricity accidents happen?
- Electricity hazards
- Prevention of electric accidents
Fire prevention and protection
- An introduction
- Fire prevention goals
- Fire prevention principle
- Elements of a fire protection plan
- Sources of fire hazards
- Ignition sources
- Control the spread of fire
Emergency plans
- An introduction
- Causes of emergency
- The emergency and evacuation plan
- The basic plan elements
- Conditions for the success of the emergency and evacuation plan
- Organizing the work of the emergency and evacuation group
- Fire handling procedures RACE
- Emergency exits
Personal protection tools
- Protective clothing
- Foot protection: safety shoes
- Protect hands: gloves
- Protect eyes: glasses
- Head protection: helmets
- Hearing protection: noise-resistant devices
Common mistakes
- Common mistakes
- Product Quality
- Organizational Health & Safety.
- Work Environment Improvement
- Employees Welfare
- Employees Job Satisfaction
- Employees Retention
- Organizational Image
This training course will be carried out through the use of best practices and the right combination of engaging and purposeful tools such as:
- Practical, relevant case studies
- Group activities and workshops
- Related role plays
- Experiential learning
- Brain storming
- Stimulating mental activities
- Engaging team competitions
- Suitable training Videos
- Presentations
- Self-assessments
- Learning with Simulations and Games
Employees working in occupational health and safety departments, as well as managers, supervisors, officers, and specialists concerned with maintaining healthy and safe work environment.