Security Skills for Security and Safety Personnel
Security Skills for Security and Safety Personnel
Course Dates
*Prices do not include value added tax
At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Develop basic understanding of Security concepts
- Recognize risks and threats facing organizations
- Understand security duties & responsibilities toward protecting the organization
- Communicate effectively with clients and visitors of the organization.
- Understand occupational safety & health requirements
Introduction to security
- Definition of terms
Introduction to security and protection
- the concept of security
- Security function and priorities
- Code of professional ethics and behavior for security personnel
- Code of professional ethics
- The importance of the security personnel
Security work rules Security personnel duties and responsibilities
- The professional path of the security personnel
- Security and protection tasks
- The main roles of the security personnel
- Security patrols
- The duties of the security personnel before the his shift
- Duties of the security personnel in the command and control center
- Organizing traffic Inspection principles
- Crowd Management
- The duties of the security personnel towards occupational safety and health
- Coordination procedures with the government security services
Security supervision
- Why supervision?
- Principles of effective supervision
- Attributes of an effective manager / supervisor
- Authorities of the supervisor
- Supervisor tasks and duties
- The security supervisor as an inspector
- The supervisor's role in achieving discipline
- Basic rules for applying discipline
- the self-discipline of the supervisor
- The supervisor’s role in motivation
- Time Management
- Managerial skills for managers and supervisors
Security efficiency and sense of security
- First: security efficiency
- Definition of security efficiency
- What is the importance of security efficiency for the institution?
- What does competence and professionalism mean for a security personnel?
- Types of security skills
- Security skills development factors
- Second: security sense
- The characteristics of a security personnel with a sense of security
- The importance of security sense
- How can you develop a professional security sense?
Physical security
- the risks and threats facing institutions and their definitions
- Risk analysis
- The impact of the threat on the institution
- Protection levels
- Risk control strategies
- Protection of critical assets
Dealing with Security threats and threats facing facilities
- The types of risks facing institutions
- Examples of security breaches in the institutions
- Addressing security breaches
- The policy of dealing with threats
- Violence in institutions
- General measures to prevent violence
- Signs of Violence
- The strategy to deal with violence
- The role of security personnel in containing violence
- Thefts
- Fires
- Organizational Security
- Organizational Health & Safety
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Service
- Organizational Reputation
This training course will be carried out through the use of best practices and the right combination of engaging and purposeful tools such as:
- Practical, relevant case studies
- Group activities and workshops
- Related role plays
- Experiential learning
- Brain storming
- Stimulating mental activities
- Engaging team competitions
- Suitable training Videos
- Presentations
- Self-assessments
- Learning with Simulations and Games
Security supervisors and personnel, as well as for all employees and specialists interested in security; With the aim of spreading security awareness.