With you to achieve sustainable development
Technical capabilities and expertise to provide the best practical solutions to keep pace with the needs of our clients for consulting services.
We work with clients to find suitable, practical solutions for them. We have the technical capabilities and extensive practical experience to provide the best consulting solutions you need to move forward in achieving your goals. We have experience in implementing transformation projects, improvement and development processes in an integrated system by providing solutions according to best practices and in line with your current and future needs.
To achieve the purpose of their existence, organizations aim at improving their performance through the development of long-term strategic plans and implementation plans to achieve them, including initiatives and work programs. We are keen to work hand-in-hand with representatives of our clients to develop their strategic plans according to a careful analysis of the entity’s work environment and then develop performance indicators and measurable targets for each goal to enable the entity to evaluate the progress in implementing the plan when it is implemented
Governance aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of entities by defining the rules and standards that ensure the protection of the rights of shareholders and stakeholders and clarify policies, procedures, tasks and responsibilities in a way that enhances the concept of governance, and we seek to prepare and develop entities by enhancing governance concepts and controls in accordance with best practices.
Operational Model
The operational model is the link between the entity’s strategy and its organizational design. This model aims to use human and technical capabilities, processes, systems and operational effectiveness in identifying opportunities that ensure continuous improvement and sustainable development in the efficiency and effectiveness of its performance at lower costs. We carefully analyze all aspects of the operational model and develop the organizational structure and change map to reach the appropriate operational model to achieve its strategy.
Human Resources
The human resource is one of the most important assets owned by organizations, so it has become necessary for organizations to keep pace with the continuous development in the business environment and to compete to attract employees with the best competencies. That should be done following best practices in the field of human resources management due to the critical impact the process has on achieving the organization’s goals and plans.
1- Job Description Guide
The job description is the basic building block of all human resources processes, as it is the base of selection and recruitment processes, training and development processes, job performance appraisals and other human resources processes. So, while preparing the job description guide, we are keen to accurately analyze the job based on information that simulates the actual reality of each job through questionnaires, interviews and field visits to determine job tasks and job filling requirements.
2- Dictionary of functional competencies
Job competencies refer the set of knowledge, skills, traits and behaviors that the employee must possess to perform his duties efficiently and effectively. The application of the job competencies system helps to implement the organization’s strategy and achieve its goals. We seek to prepare a dictionary of job competencies for the organization in a way that helps to develop the job performance of its employees, improve organizational culture and enhance its core values, and help to implement all human resources processes such as recruitment, training, development and job performance evaluation.
3. Assessment plan of Human resources needs
For entities to achieve their strategies and operational plans, all necessary resources, including funding, human resources and equipment must be available. Human resources are one of the most important of these. Therefore, we seek to accurately determine the human resources needs in each organizational unit according to the actual or expected workload in order to rationalize human resources costs while maintaining the level of performance targeted by the entity.
4- Job Classification and Evaluation Plan
Organizations aim to determine the relative importance of jobs through the process of job classification and evaluation after analyzing all the elements related to the job and then determining the job functional structure. We help organization determine the actual value of a job and its importance for the organization compared to all other jobs; that helps the organization achieve internal justice and consequently facilitates designing a system of job grades that can be reflected by the different job levels and their link to benefits and compensation.
5- Benefits and Compensation.
One of the most important elements of attracting and retaining employees is benefits and compensation, so it is determined according to a set of criteria such as comparison, work environment, and labor market status to attract distinguished competencies and talents from human resources. We are working to develop the system of benefits and compensation in accordance with the best practices applied in order to achieve the aspirations of the entities in terms of attracting and retaining employees.
6- Job placement
Job placement is one of the most important practical steps to implement the developed systems of human resources. We follow tightly defined foundations and steps for the success of the placement process according to specific and clear criteria aimed at reducing the objections that may occur from some employees to the process of placing them in the new job titles and career ladder while working objectively and credibly in order to achieve the success of the placement process.
7- Career Path Plan
It aims to find opportunities for the career development of employees, which helps to align the objectives of the entity with the goals of employees by providing the future needs of talents for the work of the entity and determining the training path to develop them according to their future career path and keep employees from job leakage. Thus saving the costs of job rotation and attracting the necessary talents. We seek to build career path plans that contribute to achieving the entity’s goals in terms of providing the talents it needs in the future while creating Career development opportunities to provide an attractive environment for work.
8- Identify training needs
The entities aim to improve and develop their employees’ performance by accurately identifying the actual training needs in order to bridge the gaps between the expected performance and the actual performance. Where reliance is on documented data on the actual job tasks and duties of employees, and on the capabilities and skills required from their job description and analyze the data scientifically and accurately in order to determine the actual training needs of employees.
Business Policies and Procedures
The process of preparing manuals of policies, rules, procedures, and work models aims to develop standards and governing rules to implement operations and determine the responsibilities and mechanisms of implementation. It also contributes to the unification of work methods, which helps to achieve stability in the level of performance. We seek to apply best practices in the preparation and development of manuals of policies, procedures and work models in line with the customer’s work environment, for example, but not limited to, we prepare the following policies and procedures:
- HR policies, procedures and models
- Financial policies, procedures and models
- Procurement and contract policies, procedures and models
- Warehousing and storage Policies, procedures, and models
- Operation and maintenance Policies, procedures and models
- IT policies, procedures and models
- Warehousing and storage Policies, procedures, and models
- Cybersecurity policies and procedures
Our services in other fields
We work with our clients in providing consulting services in various fields according to accurate identification of needs and proposing the best solutions and recommendations in the areas of transformation and maximizing benefit. we, as a leading entity, have a competitive advantage in providing our consulting services to find practical and appropriate solutions for our clients, where we have the technical capabilities and extensive practical experience to provide the best consulting solutions that you need to move forward in achieving your goals.